Dedicated to the memory of Josie

This site is a tribute to Josie, a beloved Sister, Aunt, Nan and our wonderful Mum. We have always known our mum is extra special, having brought us up alone we have been rewarded with the closeness that only a single parent family experience. Josie has always been extremely modest and unassuming so it has come as a lovely surprise, and a great comfort, to discover that our mum is loved as much by her friends and colleagues as she is by her own relatives. 

Josie is known as Nanny Ha Ha to her grandchildren due to the warmth, smiles and laughter she brought everywhere she went. We have created this site in the hope that her family, friends and colleagues can leave their stories, photos, videos and fond memories of Josie so that in years to come we can show her granddaughters and make them feel proud about their wonderful Nanny Ha Ha.


Fundraising for


Fundraising for


We would like to share any of your fond memories, photos, videos and stories of our mum with her grandchildren who are currently too young to remember their amazing nan.


I first met Josie when our school joined TKAT - over the phone mainly! Her warmth in a phone call was lovely and you could always tell when she was smiling even though you couldn't see her smile! We met a few times over the years, Josie always gave you an instant kindness and I know we would have been friends if I had lived nearer. Josie was just one of those hit it off instantly! Roles change and I heard that she had moved to a different job in TKAT. I did look for her when we were there for the Women in Leadership Conference but just thought she was working in a different area. I am so sorry to hear that she had been unwell.....Heaven has defiantly gained a wonderful lady. Reading all the messages just shows how loved Josie was and still it xx Thinking of you xx Tracey - Chichester High School
4th January 2022
Seven weeks tomorrow since you’ve left us! I miss you terribly my wonderful mum! It’s your beautiful granddaughters 2nd Birthday tomorrow (yes, we have taught her to say ‘2 today’ :)) i would give anything for you to be with us to celebrate. Miss you and sleep well darling xxx
29th August 2021
Seven weeks tomorrow since you’ve left us! I miss you terribly my wonderful mum! It’s your beautiful granddaughters 2nd Birthday tomorrow (yes, we have taught her to say ‘2 today’ :)) i would give anything for you to be with us to celebrate. Miss you and sleep well darling xxx
29th August 2021